Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Pressing Through...

A stomach virus suddenly and viciously hijacked me and left me weak and bedridden for two days. During those two lifeless days I had no desire or energy to think about working out, let alone work on my plans for I laid there weak and tired and thinking about last week's unfortunate delay. There was no way I could mentally work within the walls of my own apartment without my cat, Sweetpea. She died suddenly and traumatically. Even now, I can't bear to write much more about her than this. The week before that I experienced pain in my back so severe I almost went to the emergency room. It seemed as if the last four weeks were cursed weeks for me.

This week, I somehow caught some bug and I now sit here with some uncontrollable chest cold and vicious cough. Thank God I am not suffering any nasal congestion or a runny nose. But, it's not smart for me to go outside and run right now, as the congestion is rooted in my chest. But, my mind is clear! Clear enough to plan and prioritize all I need to do to make my business successful!

It took me years to get off my duff and do something for me. To do something I believe in and I would be passionate about. I love what I'm doing now. I am creating a dating and fitness website that will help people become and remain healthy while finding their true love! I can't let obstacles, large or small, interfere with my mission and passion! It took me years to finally step out and do something on my own. The death of my Sweetpea and minor physical ailments may have slowed me down. But, these things and future obstacles will not stop me from succeeding!

I'm coughing and writing you at the same time, because I refuse to delay my purpose any longer. These are the tidbits of difficult times. If I can't get through these, how will I get through the most difficult times that awaits me?

So, what did I do today regardless of my nagging cough and aching chest? I purchased my hosting service for and formed its LLC! That only took a click of a few buttons and a phone call... oh yeah, and some money, of course!

Now, I'll take a shower, curl up on my sofa, and continue to plan the pre-launching part of it.

Whatever is going on in our lives, we must remain focused! It's easy to turn our heads at the slightest inconveniences in our lives. If it's our time to shine, let the light in from all angles! Obstacles will come at us like shattered glass at impact. But, what does it matter? We must clear the mess up and keep heading toward what we were created to do!