Friday, April 10, 2009

Sometimes You Have To Put Success On Hold

My sister, Gloria, died. None of us saw it coming. At 48 years old, wielding a wide, pretty smile and graceful energy death snatched her from our loving embrace. Surprise and pain hit hard and fast, leaving nothing but empty exclamations and questions swimming in my numb mind.

Everything stopped. My life -- life itself-- seemed to have been placed on hold. My only sister. My only sibling... what the hell? What the heaven? What the God? What the Devil? What the Fu$#*??? I felt it all and said it all, and then I had nothing to say nor think. She was gone...

Before being pimp slapped with this news, my mind revolved around the launching and giddy anticipated success of my dating website, Everyday, I met a goal that got me closer to making it one of the best dating and fitness websites on the internet and beyond. I did not expect any delays and planned on pushing forward regardless of obstacles, until I got the tragic news about my sister. That's when it didn't matter anymore... Nothing did. Someone could have told me that my website was going to hell in a hand basket and I wouldn't have given a rat's behind about it. I wanted to be with my sister.

For a while my time was spent dealing with all the things associated with death: The coroner's office, funeral homes, caskets, plots, headstones, burials and money. It wasn't until she was placed in her final resting place and I was in mine that I finally grieved. A few days later blackfitandsingle slowly eased into my mind again, yet it seemed like a distant dream... something I had implemented and moved on from ions ago. As logic conquered my emotions I began to realize I had to continue on my journey with my website. I perused my notes and reminded myself of my daily goals that formed my ultimate plan. I realized then, that though Gloria has passed, I have to keep living. There was some twinge of guilt initially. But, I also knew that my sister would want me to move on and make her proud.

Though, implementing and driving my business to success is important to me, it just wasn't as important as my sister and my family. Everything, and I mean everything had to stop, and all my energy and attention was placed on love and grieving for her.

With a renewed energy and focus, is dedicated to my sister, Gloria A. Chalmers the most God-fearing, compassionate and loving woman I will ever have the honor of knowing and loving.