Saturday, February 28, 2009

Women - Are We Chameleons or Slaves for Men?

A friend of mine text me today extremely excited about a new book Steve Harvey has released called Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Man. She was excited about it and told me that all the ladies were talking about it at the beauty salon and that it's a best seller at the book stores. I read her text message, mentally shrugged it off and remembered only a few days back reading about it in January's Jet Magazine. I had debated from the that point about buying it. But, just never got around to finishing that mental debate and reminded myself that there were books at home that are waiting in line for me to read.

I absently placed my Moto Q on the desk and continued what I was doing, when all of a sudden she texts me again. I grabbed the phone, and there she was explaining more about the book and how she used it on the guy that she's dating, and how one of the questions Steve Harvey suggested worked like a charm... just like he said it would.

I half cared and half thought I'd wish she'd go back to reading the book, so I can go back to doing what I was doing. The third text popped in just when I had finish reading the last one. I thought to myself, "This girl is too excited!" It's as if Steve came out with a magic formula to solve relationship problems between men and women.

I conceded just to be released from her texting grip and wrote back I'd buy the book tomorrow. Admittedly, her eagerness and excitement sparked in me a smidgen of interest in buying the book.

The suddenly I began thinking about Steve Harvey's book title, Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Man . Now, of course, I really need to read the book, because the title is not the entire story. But, that title sure makes me feel that I'd be the ideal woman for a man. Think about it. He would have the entire package. A woman feminine in every way, but can understand the thoughts, desires, concerns and passions of a man.

OK... say I finally get the man. When do I go back to being me? When do I go back to thinking like a woman? And what's wrong with thinking like a woman in the first place? And when does he act like a man and think like a woman? Or is that just too feminine for him to do? Would it be too much to ask him to get in touch with his feminine side in order to understand us ladies a bit more? Or can't we both understand that we're different and that we are who we are? Are we women to stifle are emotions because men have a hard time responding to them? When do we get to be women and be appreciated and embraced just for being us? Does the title mean that we've been wrong for thinking like women and the relationship disasters are our fault, and men are released from any of the blame?

We accommodate men in almost every way, including with our attire. The latest fashion has it that our blouses show so much cleavage than ever before. Just check out the magazines and television shows and commercials. That's not an example of women's liberation being urged. That's a form of sex, which attracts the attention of men. I can't think of a woman who would want to show her cleavage for any other reason. You tell me what normal man is not going to aim his eyes at one of his most favorite delicacies of a woman's anatomy? A friend told me that her husband would not allow her to go to bed with a silk scarf on. That she had to come to bed every, single night looking sexy, regardless of how he looked. She admits that keeping up with his request, and many others is time consuming and difficult. But, she doesn't want him to go elsewhere to find the comfort of another woman. On the other hand, he will not allow her to require much from him.

I can give numerous examples of what we women do and how we dress to receive a man's attention. But, now not only must we be sexy, hardworking, house cleaners, cooks (in some cases), sexual gratifiers and sexual freaks, but now we have to think like a man. Well, hell! Now, I know why all the gay guys are scooping up what's left of the men left and right, or why there's so many under cover brothers!

It seems we must be and have quietly conceded to being the mighty chameleons. It's not just desired but required to get a man these days. But, remember, I'm just basing this fleeting whim off of a title. I think I better get the book. I'm sure that's not what the book is about. Because if it is, I'm going to be pretty pissed off.